Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 7560
Country/Region: Dominican Republic
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

USAID is in the process of awarding a new grant to implement additional activities in the south west and northwest areas of the border. These new activities will be geared to provide technical assistance and support in order to strengthen MOH facilities to support PLWAs living in border provinces or crossing over seeking care. In addition, selected NGO(s) will receive sub-grants to provide community-based activities linking PLWAs and their families to primary care services. These services will include PMTCT, prevention activities, provision of clinical, psychological, spiritual, social and prevention services, including reproductive health, immunization, TB, referral to other hospitals and income generation activities for PLWA and their families. It is expected that by July 2010, this new mechanism will have been awarded. In FY 2010, the USG will continue to strengthen MCH services to support PMTCT services including early infant diagnosis (EID) in at least ten "Centers of Excellence" hospitals and 26 hospitals in regions V and VII. TA, on-site training and support will be provided at the hospital level to integrate HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services with wrap-around services in reproductive health, tuberculosis, nutrition and immunizations, referrals strengthening, improved HIV counseling and diagnostic services strengthen, including the supply of quality test kits, CD4 and EID testing. Health care providers will be trained in EID, dry blood sampling and referrals. A revised logistics system will transport samples to the National Reference Laboratory and results will be communicated to the appropriate hospital departments in a timely manner. Opt-out testing will be implemented as a pilot program in selected facilities. NGOs will be integrated into the system to assure linkages between hospitals and their communities


USG will provide NGOs, FBOs and CBOs with technical assistance and support to create awareness in their respective communities of the health services available at the hospitals, provide linkages between hospitals and their communities, reduce the loss of mothers and their infants to follow-up programs and provide emotional and psychological support to HIV positive women and their families.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0

USAID is in the process of awarding a new grant to implement additional activities in the south west and northwest areas of the border. These new activities will be geared to provide technical assistance and support in order to strengthen MOH facilities to support PLWAs living in border provinces or crossing over seeking care. In addition, selected NGO(s) will receive sub-grants to provide community-based activities linking PLWAs and their families to primary care services. These services will include provision of clinical, psychological, spiritual, social and prevention services, including reproductive health, immunization, TB, referral to other hospitals and income generation activities for PLWA and their families. It is expected that by July 2010, this new mechanism will have been awarded.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $0

Train 20 health workers in CT and PIC. Provide appromately 2,000 individual with access to quality CT.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

1. USAID will fund NGOs in border provinces to provide IEC activities and services for population living and/or crossing through the border provinces and for the population living in Bateyes nearest to the border. We will also continue to support coordination of cross-border work with migrants, market ladies, traders and SWs.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

Strengthen PMTCT services and e.i.d. in at least 4 hospitals in Region IV. Support to NGOs, CBOs to support PMTCT at the community level

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $0

Since 2002, TB/HIV co-infection programming has been funded exclusively by non-PEPFAR USAID child survival health funds. Funding for TB/HIV activities was included in the FY 2008 Mini-COP for the first time. Those funds were key to enabling a more focused approach to strengthening TB treatment for co-infected persons. With PEPFAR funds, USG will provide support and TA to strengthen a functional patient referral system for TB/HIV co-infected patients. USAID will address TB/HIV priorities by providing technical assistance to the Regional and Provincial Network System. Support will include updating TB/HIV plans, training personnel on current guidelines (in coordination with the GODR oversight entity National TB/HIV Co-infection Committee [CONACO]) and current TB partners PAHO, TBCAP, Global Fund, the MOH, and private-sector service providers. A pilot project to strengthen TB/HIV services will be implemented in Region IV and VII. TB/HIV co-infection will be a component of the Binational program, as described in the PFIP. USAID will support MSH/SPS to procure more than 15,000 HIV rapid tests per year to provide access to individuals that are detected as symptomatic respiratory as well as those with any form of TB, and to implement a logistics system.

Subpartners Total: $0
Ministry of Health - Ukraine: NA
To Be Determined: NA
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Increasing women's legal rights and protection
Child Survival Activities
Family Planning